Developing Digital Skills and Opportunity in Arkansas

The purpose of the Arkansas Digital Skills and Opportunity Plan is to outline an actionable path forward to make digital opportunity an economic benefit and reality for all Arkansans. This plan will position the state’s residents to pursue cross-sectoral economic growth through broadband-related, nondeployment activities and enhance workforce development. The draft plan is open for public comment until January 25, 2024. ARConnect has a detailed vision for achieving digital opportunity in Arkansas: 

By 2030, every person, family, and community in Arkansas – regardless of location and income – will have access to:

  • Affordable, reliable high-speed internet service in their homes, businesses, and community anchor institutions (i.e., libraries, schools, healthcare providers)
  • The opportunity to enroll in basic computer skills training
  • A computer, tablet, or mobile device

Every resident will be able to self-determine how they use digital tools and resources to safely and securely participate in education, healthcare, employment, and other important parts of our increasingly online society.

Developing Digital Skills and Opportunity in Arkansas