
Overhauling the Universal Service Fund: Aligning Policy with Economic Reality

Two very real Universal Service Fund (USF) problems need to be addressed: funding and spending. The way the program is funded is inefficient, unsustainable, and regressive. Regardless of the judicial outcome, the tax that the court declared unconstitutional is both inefficient, by taxing a small, price-sensitive, declining base, and regressive, with a higher proportional burden falling on those least able to afford it. The program spends too much money on the wrong things. The High Cost Fund in particular, which accounts for about half of total spending, is outdated and wasteful.

As Federal Dollars Vanish, Districts Weigh Which Edtech Tools to Drop

The pandemic’s forced switch to remote instruction unlocked federal funding for K-12 schools, as the government made a temporary $190 billion jab available in the hopes that it would inoculate against the effects of COVID-19 on teaching and learning.

Why Does One Online Education Supporter Oppose Better Data on Online Education?

In July, the U.S. Department of Education proposed regulations that would require colleges to provide more detailed data on students in online education programs.

FCC Seeks Nominations for Eight Board Member Positions on the Universal Service Administrative Company Board of Directors

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau seeks nominations for the following Board member positions on the Board of Directors of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) listed below for a three-year term. In addition to the six positions that are expiring as a matter of course at the end of 2024, the FCC also seeks nominations for two additional vacancies resulting from a resignation and carryover vacancy of USAC Board members. All nominations must be filed with the Office of the Secretary by October 28, 2024.

After millions lose access to internet subsidy, FCC moves to fill connectivity gaps

The Biden administration is moving to blunt the loss of an expired broadband subsidy program that helped more than 23 million families afford internet access by using money from an existing program that helps libraries and schools provide WiFi hotspots to students and patrons.

GAO to Ted Cruz: USAC Is Just Alright With Me

In May 2023, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), the minority leader of the Senate Commerce Committee, sent a letter to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting an examination of how the Federal Communications Commission administers the Universal Service Fund (USF). The USF consists of money collected from telecommunications companies that is dedicated to fulfilling the goals of universal service.

Experts Analyze Court Ruling Against E-Rate Funding Source

recent federal court ruling is unlikely to mean the permanent end of the E-rate program that funds school telecommunication services, but the program's future is still uncertain. On a recent webinar, attorneys Sean Lev and Andy Schwartzman emphasized the recent ruling will have no near-term effects on E-rate.

Report and order on using E-Rate funds for Wi-Fi hotspots

Since its inception more than 25 years ago, the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) E-Rate program has supported high-speed, affordable Internet services to and within school and library buildings, and has been instrumental in providing students, school staff, and library patrons with access to essential broadband services. The FCC released a report and order in the August 20, 2024 federal register on using E-Rate funds for Wi-Fi hotspots.

Commissioner Starks Joins Rep Veasey for STEAM School Tour Promoting Student Connectivity

Federal Communications Commissioner Geoffrey Starks joined Rep Marc Veasey (D-TX) at Lady Bird Johnson Middle School to discuss the important role of student connectivity and the FCC’s efforts to expand internet access. Established in 1996, the FCC’S E-Rate program helps schools and libraries to obtain broadband. The FCC has recently taken steps to modernize this program to ensure it addresses the changing connectivity needs of students.

Will AI Shrink Disparities in Schools, or Widen Them?

For the past couple of years, unrelenting change has come fast. New education technologies seem to flow out in an unstoppable stream. These often have consequences, from an increase in cheating on assignments enabled by prose-spewing chatbots, to experiments that bring AI into classrooms as teaching assistants or even as students. For some teachers and school leaders, it can feel like an onslaught.