Survey Explores Broadband Impact on Local Economies, Telehealth, Education

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Everyone who’s concerned about community broadband needs to contact your economic development agency, department, whoever spearheads your community’s economic development. I’m surveying these professionals about broadband’s impact on local economies. Community broadband is advancing in many places nationwide. But it’s also taking a beating in some areas. The only way we can fight back, capture opportunities, and win challenges is to start with reliable data from those in the trenches. This is insanely important!! Nobody knows about local economies like economic development folks. The 2014 International Economic Development Council (IEDC) survey of economic development professionals, for example, revealed that 49% of members believe community broadband networks can encourage low-income, rural, and senior individuals to become entrepreneurs. This year’s survey explorers broadband’s impact on 1) personal economic development, 2) attracting homeowners to the community, 3) the Homework Gap, and 4) what factors are keeping residents from adopting broadband such as individuals’ digital literacy.

[Craig Settles assists cities and co-ops with business planning for broadband and telehealth.]

Survey Explores Broadband Impact on Local Economies, Telehealth, Education