NTCA Tells FCC Low-Income Consumers Need Affordable Voice Service

In meetings with Federal Communications Commission staff, NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association reiterated its support for ensuring that lowincome consumers have affordable access to the voice service they need and therefore urged the Commission to retain the Lifeline subsidy for stand-alone voice service. Voice service remains critical for many low-income and older individuals who rely on such service as an affordable method of contacting health care providers, government agencies, and public safety. NTCA further stressed the urgent need for FCC action on the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates petition for reconsideration seeking to maintain Lifeline support for stand-alone voice service. Carriers all across the nation will very soon be required to inform low-income consumers of the loss of this critical subsidy if Lifeline support for standalone voice service is not retained – indeed, notices must be included in subscriber bills very soon in order to arrive by November 1. If the FCC elects to retain the voice-only discount after the required notices are provided and tariffs are amended, there is substantial likelihood for customer confusion.

NTCA Tells FCC Low-Income Consumers Need Affordable Voice Service