Nevada Announces Winners of More Than $553 Million in BEAD Funding

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The Nevada Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation, and Technology (OSIT) is ready to submit the Final Proposal for the state’s Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program to the National Telecommunications and Information Association (NTIA). The Final Proposal will include the provisional winners of Nevada’s first round of BEAD funding. This funding represents Phase III of OSIT’s overall broadband funding plans. The total proposed funding is more than $553 million. Nevada’s BEAD allocation is $416 million—additional funding comes from the Capital Projects Fund and the State Fiscal Recovery Fund. SkyFiber Internet and Stimulus Technologies of Nevada are the biggest winners in this round of funding, with more than $323 million awarded between them. The Nevada BEAD funding will be issued to the following providers:

  • Amazon Kuiper Commercial Services: $14,489,500 for 4,891 locations
  • Anthem Broadband of Nevada: $28,696,422 for 1,587 locations
  • AT&T: $18,696,569 for 819 locations
  • Beehive Broadband: $22,025,793 for 286 locations
  • Commnet of Nevada, LLC: $50,622,426 for 5,136 locations
  • Cox Communications: $22,905,090 for 3,273 locations
  • Digital Technology Solutions INC. Dba DTS Fiber: $22,196,547 for 1,244 locations
  • E4 Connect:, $113,336 for 181 locations
  • Filer Mutual Telephone Company dba Truleap Technologies: $3,015,844 for 75 locations
  • ISP INDUSTRIES, LLC dba ISP.NET: $383,203 for 16 locations
  • Moapa Valley Telephone Company: $2,962,451 for 449 locations
  • Reno Sparks Indian Colony: $4,000,000 for 162 locations
  • Rural Telephone Company: $13,220,047 for 865 locations
  • Satview Broadband Ltd: $4,001,127 for 76 locations
  • SkyFiber Internet: $180,619,680 for 12,043 locations
  • Stimulus Technologies of Nevada: LLC, $142,576,242 for 17,073 locations
  • Valley Electric Association, Inc.: $11,533,546 for 1,461 locations
  • WeLink Communications, Inc.: $10,021,508 for 1,277 locations
  • Zito Nevada LLC: $1,675,419 for 693 locations


Nevada Announces Winners of More Than $553 Million in BEAD Funding