Charter to FCC: Pole-Attachment Issues Threaten Universal Service

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Cable broadband provider Charter told the Federal Communications Commission that discriminatory access to utility poles threatens the ability of broadband providers to close the digital divide, one of the Biden Administration's goals and one it has promised the new infrastructure bill's broadband subsidy billions will make a reality. "Timely and non-discriminatory access to utility poles is critical to broadband providers’ ability to provide high-speed internet access to millions of unserved Americans across the country as quickly as possible, particularly those living in rural areas," Charter told staffers for FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel and Commissioner Geoffrey Starks. Charter execs told the staffers that not getting access in reasonable timelines and terms could delay Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) projects and other buildouts to unserved areas.

Charter to FCC: Pole-Attachment Issues Threaten Universal Service Charter Presses FCC on Pole Attachment Issues, Says RDOF Deadlines are Threatened (telecompetitor)