
Coverage of how Internet service is deployed, used and regulated.

Reps Pfluger, Dingell Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Broadband Access to Unserved Communities

Reps August Pfluger (R-TX) and Debbie Dingell (D-MI) introduced the PROTOCOL Act, which improves the mapping process for broadband funding and enhances interagency coordination when awarding broadband funding grants. There are currently over 130 federal broadband programs across 15 different agencies with little coordination on the billions of dollars being spent. This lack of coordination has led to waste, fraud, and abuse in these programs and risks leaving unserved communities without access to basic broadband services. Specifically, this legislation would:

Unique Partnerships Spur Texas Broadband and Innovation, Says Alliance Leader

While city and state governments may move slowly, a nonprofit organization has the agility to convene people, test ideas, and work faster.

What happens when you lock 30 experts in a room until they agree on broadband permitting?

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is making billions of dollars available to expand broadband networks throughout rural America—and with these networks, access to all the opportunities and advantages internet service allows.  Billions of dollars for broadband construction also means billions of dollars in construction projects seeking approval from local permitting offices. Reviewing these projects will be no small task, especially in rural areas where local governments have limited resources.

California tackles digital superintelligence—maybe

California recently lawmakers sent a nationally consequential artificial intelligence bill to Gov.

Roadmap to Enhancing Internet Routing Security

This report aims to address a key security vulnerability associated with the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)—the protocol that underpins the way information is routed across networks. While there is no single solution to address all internet routing vulnerabilities, the roadmap advocates for the adoption of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) as a mature, ready-to-implement approach to mitigate BGP’s vulnerabilities. The Roadmap provides 18 key recommendations to network operators, service providers, and federal agencies. They include:

Governor Cooper Encourages North Carolinians to Help Accurately Pinpoint High-Speed Internet Needs Across the State

Governor Roy Cooper urged North Carolina local and tribal governments, nonprofits and broadband service providers to help identify areas across the state that need better access to high-speed internet. These organizations are encouraged to submit data challenging eligible locations for inclusion in the federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, which launches in early 2025. The program provides $1.53 billion to North Carolina to bring high-speed internet infrastructure to unserved and underserved locations across the state. The N.C.

Benefits of the Universal Service Fund

The Federal Communications Commission recently released a short document that highlights the benefits that come from the Universal Service Fund. The FCC touts the following benefits from the Universal Service Fund:

Kentucky Prioritizes Neediest Areas En Route to Statewide Broadband

When the state of Kentucky made plans to award $300 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for broadband deployments, the priority was on getting high-speed service to the neediest areas first. “Our priority with the ARPA funding was reaching areas that had no service,” said Meghan Sandfoss, executive director of Kentucky’s Office of Broadband Development. The state awarded the $300 million in ARPA funding in two rounds.

UK government consulting telecommunication companies about how to accelerate the rollout of high-speed broadband to apartment buildings

The UK government has informally consulted telecommunications companies about how to accelerate the rollout of high-speed broadband in blocks of flats as groups race to provide full fibre across the country.

The Case for Ubiquitous Broadband for K-12 Students

Students need fast and reliable access to the internet at school, at home, and anywhere that learning may take place. While great strides have been made towards connecting K-12 students, particularly at schools, many students still lack a reliable connection off-campus. This leaves students and families unable to fully engage in learning and prepare for careers, and teachers and districts are struggling to use technology in an impactful and equitable manner. Two major factors influence impactful learning opportunities for K-12 students—internet and device access.