Hill, The

A conservative case for the Affordable Connectivity Program

Unfortunately, the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is set to run out of funds as soon as early 2024. For conservatives who are rightly concerned about traditional government subsidies, I humbly suggest that extending the ACP by appropriating additional funds for the program is well within our economic principles, even when we absolutely must shrink overall federal spending.

Steve Forbes: Giving lower-income families a hand up will help America compete

People in need don’t want a handout; they want a hand-up that will enable them to improve their circumstances and lead more productive, successful lives. The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is giving workers, students, and families the hand-up they need to compete in the connected 21st-century digital economy.

Digital needs funding for its ‘social justice’ movement moment

Digital inclusion and equity challenges will likely not go away until a large number of people demand change in the marketplace—and in policymaking—to make essential information and communication technologies not only available, affordable and usable, but also safe. What seems to be lacking is support for a visible social movement that complements these types of education, advocacy and networking efforts.

We must act urgently to make internet for all a reality

With virtually unlimited bandwidth, fiber optic connectivity is the fastest, most reliable, and most innovative solution for bridging the digital divide. Other options, like fixed wireless access, may be faster to deploy but require more upkeep, have limited capabilities, and require substantial new investment in a relatively short period.

Improved broadband maps to deliver more connectivity

The Federal Communications Commission will unveil the first draft of new, dramatically improved national broadband availability maps.

As America approaches ‘internet for all,’ deep caution for ‘middle mile’ detour

In 2021, Congress and the administration agreed upon a bipartisan approach to bridging differences in digital investment and delivery. But now, even before a single dollar of the bill’s rural broadband deployment funding has gone out the door, governors in both red and blue states are rushing to pour tax dollars into an entirely different strategy they hope will solve the same problem, and a new Senate bill proposes to potentially spend billions more replicating these state initiatives nationwide. Even for Washington, DC, this bipartisan rush to ramp funding for “middle mile” networks is a