
New court ruling puts Universal Service Fund in hot water

In a ruling that quickly caused shock waves in the U.S. telecommunications industry, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled, 9-7, that the Universal Service Fund (USF) is unconstitutional as currently administered. The Court explained its ruling by saying that the USF is a “misbegotten tax” that violates Article I, § 1 of the Constitution, which states that all legislative powers are given to Congress, which is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Technician expert: stay adaptable in broadband and it will 'take care of you'

As people increasingly look to trade jobs in pursuit of more financial stability (without debilitating debt), one role worth considering is the broadband technician, according to Keith Busby. Currently a service technician for AT&T, Busby largely works on fiber installation, maintenance and 

Broadband service providers are becoming utilities. Is that really a bad thing?

You’ve heard the grand declarations from telecommunications companies over the past few years. "We’re not telcos anymore," they’ve said, "we’re techcos." But what’s so bad about being a telco?Techco, of course, is short for "technology company." The idea is that telcos are evolving beyond their roots as simple connectivity providers and turning into services companies. The underlying implication here is that connectivity is becoming a utility, just like water or electric service.

Where is fiber broadband on the hype cycle?

There’s a huge amount of energy in the fiber broadband ecosystem right now driven largely by the Broadband Equity, Access & Deployment (BEAD) program. But as someone who’s covered telecommunications for three decades, I suspect that we’re nearing the peak of the hype cycle for broadband.

Congress grills FCC on ACP, mapping, broadband funding overlaps

On July 9, a House subcommittee held a hearing to get an update on how the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is addressing some of the most pressing broadband issues in the country. Here’s what the FCC had to say:

Fixed wireless trounces cable in customer loyalty metrics, says Recon Analytics

According to survey data from Recon Analytics, the net promoter scores of Verizon and T-Mobile for their fixed wireless access (FWA) broadband absolutely demolish the net promoter scores of Comcast and Charter for their hybrid fiber coax (HFC) broadband services. “FWA’s numbers are off the chart,” said Recon Analytics principal Roger Entner. However, he cautioned that there is a “selection bias” in the data because with FWA, people do their own installation, and if they aren’t happy with the service they can return the gear within three days. NPS scores are a big deal.