NTCA Recommends Four Steps Toward Successful BEAD Projects

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NTCA–The Rural Broadband Association advises stakeholders to heed four recommendations regarding the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment funding program. NTCA’s first recommendation applies to providers that don’t plan to apply for BEAD funding, as well as those who plan to do so. Noting that most states are just beginning the BEAD challenge process, NTCA said the challenge process is critical to determining areas eligible for funding. The association also had some advice about the size of project areas that could apply to state broadband offices. “Smaller, right-sized project areas target funds to the areas that most need them and will encourage program participation by those best able to serve them.” NTCA’s third recommendation was to use the most future-proof technology possible. Although the association didn’t use the word “fiber,” that’s clearly what it had in mind. NTCA’s fourth recommendation applies to legislators and advocates for not taxing broadband grants. Taxing grants could deter small and rural providers from participating in many states, NTCA said.

NTCA Recommends Four Steps Toward Successful BEAD Projects Four Factors Defining ‘The Year of Execution’ for BEAD