Linking Alabama to Broadband With a Digital Equity Capacity Grant

The Be Linked Alabama initiative is the state’s united effort to expand access to affordable, reliable high-speed internet to all Alabamians. Coordinated by the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA), Be Linked Alabama led to the development of the Alabama Statewide Digital Opportunity Plan. To implement the activities included in ADECA's plan, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded ADECA over $13 million in Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program funding to support Be Linked Alabama and help bring digital opportunity to all residents of the state.

Key activities of the ADECA Digital Opportunity Plan highlighted by NTIA include:

  • Support digital workforce development
  • Expand opportunities to learn online safety and privacy
  • Expand access to computing devices
  • Expand online accessibility of government services

Here is a look at the full timeline of ADECA's Digital Opportunity Plan and programs.

Linking Alabama to Broadband With a Digital Equity Capacity Grant