Give Connexion time to deliver internet service citywide

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From where I stand, changing direction on Connexion now would be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The biggest problem with Connexion, the city of Fort Collins' (CO) broadband service, is that the deployment wasn't further along before the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Demand for Connexion has risen dramatically since COVID. With demand comes revenue with a short delay while they hook folks up.

Internet is no longer a luxury, it's now a necessity like water, sewer and power. The incumbents have been very slow to react to that and have continued to price internet access as a premium service: Note their price decreases since Connexion. The system is designed with the future in mind. The fiber infrastructure will easily handle 10 Gbps to account for demands of the future.

[Phil Jensen lives in Fort Collins]

Give Connexion time to deliver internet service citywide