FCC Makes Updates to Broadband Data Collection Efforts

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel shared with her colleagues an Order and Declaratory Ruling that updates the FCC’s biannual data collection and audit processes and proposes further updates to the agency’s verification processes for its National Broadband Map. The circulated item:

  • Clarifies and strengthens agency audit procedures to ensure that the FCC can better validate service providers’ availability data;
  • Creates a process that better accounts for changes in network deployments over time while protecting the integrity of the availability data and results of challenges; and
  • Proposes modifications to data collection requirements based upon lessons learned, as well as enhancements to agency data validation processes in order to continue to improve the precision of the underlying Broadband Serviceable Locations Fabric and broadband availability data. 

FCC Makes Updates to Broadband Data Collection Efforts