Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Report November 30, 2021

Information regarding the households participating in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program, including types of services received, support amounts claimed, and demographic details such as geographic locations and Tribal status. 48.53% of program participants qualified because they also participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), 39.7% Medicaid, 20% National School Lunch or Breakfast Program, 11.5% because they demonstrated a household income below 135% of the Federal Poverty level. Of the over 7 million households enrolled in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program as of November 1, 2021, 52% were Lifeline partipants, 25.6% applied through the National Lifeline Verifier, and 22.2% were enrolled because they were participating because they were previously in a broadband provider's low-income program. Most Emergency Broadband Benefit households (~68%) receive discounted mobile broadband services from their provider. 

Emergency Broadband Benefit Program Report November 30, 2021