2018 Research: Women and people of color in local TV and radio news

The percentage of women and people of color in TV newsrooms and in TV news management are at the highest levels ever measured by the RTDNA/Hofstra University Newsroom Survey. About a quarter (24.8%) of newsroom staffers are people of color--11.&% African American, 10.8% Hispanic or Latino, 2% Asian and .3% Native American. That is still well below minority representation in the population as a whole, which is about 38%. Highlights:

  • The percentage of women and people of color in TV newsrooms and in TV news management are at the highest levels ever measured, but while the minority population in the U.S. has risen 12.4 points in the last 28 years, the minority workforce in TV news is up just 7.
  • The disparity in representation of people of color in TV management is shrinking.
  • The percentage of TV news employees overall and of TV news directors who are women is at an all-time high.
  • There are fewer women and people of color in radio this year than last.
  • The percentage of people of color in radio is up from its low in 2010, but down from the high 22 years ago and far from on par with the population overall.
  • There are twice as many men as women in radio news, and just under half of radio news staffs include at least one woman, but the percentage of women news directors has increased in the past year.

2018 Research: Women and people of color in local TV and radio news RTDNA: TV Newsroom Diversity at All-Time High (B&C)