
Electromagnetic frequencies used for wireless communications

T-Mobile Claims a 5G Six-Carrier Aggregation “First”

T-Mobile said that it achieved the world’s first six-carrier aggregation call using sub-6 GHz spectrum on its live production 5G network. Working with Ericsson and Qualcomm Technologies, T-Mobile exceeded 3.6 Gigabits per second (Gbps) in the test. The carrier described this speed as fast enough to download a two-hour HD movie in less than 7 seconds. Higher speed and increased performance are the result of the 5G carrier aggregation in which T-Mobile combined multiple 5G channels.

NTIA 2023: A Year in Review

I often describe NTIA as a ‘small but mighty’ agency. We lived up to that moniker in 2023, making considerable progress in our work to close the digital divide, build a better Internet at home and abroad, and support U.S. wireless innovation and leadership. NTIA hit major milestones in 2023, including:

January 2024 Open Meeting Agenda

Happy new year! In the spirit of wishing everyone a safe and healthy new year, we are kicking off 2024 with a monthly open meeting that features a pair of items from our Public Safety Bureau. Here’s everything we have lined up for our January agenda.

Lack of auction authority stymied FCC in 2023

Although the Federal Communications Commission did not have its auction authority for most of 2023, some important events came to pass. The wireless industry lobbied much of the year for reallocation of spectrum in the 3.1-3.45 GHz band, which didn’t happen. The Biden Administration delivered a plan for a National Spectrum Strategy, which includes further study of the 3.1-3.45 GHz band.

Dish cites T-Mobile’s low-band spectrum stash in bid for new FCC policies

Dish Network is re-upping its calls for the Federal Communications Commission to update spectrum holding policies, saying the agency’s current spectrum procedures have enabled incumbents like T-Mobile to amass too much low-band spectrum to the detriment of new competitors and regional carriers. Dish EVP of External & Legislative Affairs Jeff Blum and other Dish lawyers met with FCC representatives to discuss the current competitive landscape and importance of spectrum availability in giving new entrants a chance to compete. Dish pointed to comments from AT&T, Public Knowledge, and O

FirstNet: Initial Buildout of Public Safety’s Network Verified, Delivering for America’s First Responders

“The initial build of the FirstNet network was done on time, on budget and on task.” With those words, the First Responder Network Authority Board Chair Chief Richard Carrizzo confirmed and validated the successful completion of the initial 5-year buildout of FirstNet, America’s public safety broadband network. The journey to this moment has been remarkable—it started with the development of custom FirstNet state plans for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the 5 US territories. Through our public-private partnership, and close collaboration with the public safety community across

President Biden signs into law Sen Kennedy's (R-LA) bill to require FCC to expand 5G access to rural Americans by releasing previously auctioned spectrum

President Joe Biden signed Sen. John Kennedy’s (R-LA) 5G Spectrum Authority Licensing Enforcement (SALE) Act into law. The legislation will require the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to release previously auctioned spectrum to expand 5G broadband access to rural communities. The US Senate passed Kennedy’s legislation in September 2023, and the House of Representatives passed Kennedy’s legislation in December.

FCC Grants 8 Broadband Segment Applications to PDV Spectrum Holding Company

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (Bureau) granted eight 900 MHz broadband segment license applications to PDV Spectrum Holding Company in Polk County (GA), Racine and Eau Claire Counties (WI), and Dakota, Scott, Sherburne, Wright, and Anoka Counties (MN). PDV is a wholly owned subsidiary of Anterix, the largest holder of 900 MHz spectrum nationwide, has been courting utilities that are interested in the spectrum for private LTE as they look to modernize and future-proof critical power grid infrastructure. On May 13, 2020, the FCC realigned the 900 M

Top Broadband Developments of 2023

There’s a lot of optimism in the broadband industry, driven by new opportunities in rural broadband, technology advances and more. In no particular order, here are 11 important developments that we saw this year.

House passes Kennedy bill to require FCC to expand 5G access to rural Americans by releasing previously auctioned spectrum

On December 11, 2023, the House of Representatives passed Sen. John Kennedy’s (R-LA) 5G Spectrum Authority Licensing Enforcement (SALE) Act. The bill would require the Federal Communications Commission to release previously auctioned spectrum in order to expand broadband access to rural communities. The US Senate passed Kennedy’s legislation in September 2023. The 5G SALE Act would temporarily grant the FCC auction authority it needs to complete spectrum transfers, which would allow broadband services to provide greater 5G network coverage to Americans in rural areas.