
Electromagnetic frequencies used for wireless communications

Capitalizing on C-band — United States Q1 2022 Results Show Room for Improvement

Ookla's first quarter 2022 results for the United States show that there is room for improvement on C-band usage in the country. Median 5G performance for Verizon reached 107.25 Mbps in first quarter 2022, fuelled by its C-band deployment, but T-Mobile maintains the upper hand in the performance stakes, recording 191.12 Mbps. Furthermore, Verizon looking to capitalize on C-band advantage. While still early days for C-band in the US, Verizon will hope that its improved 5G performance will feed through into growth in postpaid net phone additions, following a decline in first quarter 2022.

5G is so passé

The race to build 6G is on—or, at least, the race to start selling the idea to Washington.

Senate Poised to Confirm Conflict of Interest-Plagued Biden Nominee

Dell is working with Dish to create a private 5G wireless network, and needs 12 GHz spectrum – the radio frequency used to carry wireless information for services like TV and radio broadcasting, mobile phones and Wi-Fi to communications systems – in order to launch the network. But there are a few problems Dell and Dish have to figure out first. The Federal Communications Commission will have to decide whether to hand that limited resource over to Dell and Dish to create their network.

UScellular Reveals its Mid-Band 5G Plans

UScellular announced that it will roll out 5G service using mid-band spectrum by the end of 2023. The company previously rolled out 5G service in some areas using millimeter wave spectrum, which supports the highest speeds but over relatively short distances, and in low-band spectrum, which provides excellent coverage but relatively low speeds. Mid-band spectrum is widely considered to provide the optimum mixture of coverage and speed for 5G.

House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Holds Hearing on Telecom Bills

As more bipartisan tech-focused bills gain traction in Congress, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held a legislative hearing focusing on the security and innovation behind several telecommunications bills. Expert witnesses accompanied lawmakers during the May 24 hearing on the importance of bridging the digital divide with widespread broadband access nationwide.

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel's Remarks at the 2022 5G Summit

At the [Federal Communications Commission], we are determined to make progress. We are pursuing a 5G agenda that I believe can move the country forward, expand infrastructure investment, and pry open the doors of opportunity for all. And thanks to our work over the last year, we are making real strides toward building that 5G future. So here it goes—five things we are doing right now to support the future of 5G. First, we are investing in broadband and wireless coverage data. Second, we are making wireless service more affordable.

Let's Keep Driving Forward on Connected Cars & Next-Gen Wi-Fi

These days, there isn’t a lot of harmony in the world of technology policy. But there is a bright spot of bipartisanship in a section of our airwaves: the 5.9 GHz band. In 2020, the Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to modernize the rules in this spectrum to allow both Wi-Fi and automotive safety tech to operate. This win-win was celebrated by proponents of car safety and broadband alike. But now the Department of Transportation (DOT) is working on a study that may purposely have been designed to undo this decision.

Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Introduces Spectrum Innovation Act

Reps Mike Doyle (D-PA) and Bob Latta (R-OH), along with Sens Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) and John Thune (R-SD) the Spectrum Innovation Act of 2022 (H.R.7624), legislation that would free up new airwaves for wireless broadband use by the public. The Spectrum Innovation Act would free-up new airwaves in the 3.1-3.45 GHz band for wireless broadband use for the public, which means faster speeds and more responsive networks for consumers.

“Amazon Tax” Could Harm 5G Broadband Buildout

As the midterms approach, the White House may resurrect earlier proposals to overhaul the corporate tax program. One component, sometimes called the “Amazon tax,” would impose a 15 percent minimum tax on large corporations’ book income (the income reported to investors on financial statements) rather than taxable income, to ensure all companies pay each year. This impulse may seem egalitarian, but because of a quirk in accounting rules governing spectrum licenses, this proposal disproportionately harms wireless companies and could deter broadband buildout.

Musk’s Twitter play has some telecom implications

The biggest story in tech this week is without a doubt Elon Musk’s deal to buy Twitter for $44 billion and to take the company private. And while that deal doesn’t touch directly on wireless or wired telecom networks, there are some connections related to the Federal Communications Commission, spectrum and telecom policy. First, no one is suggesting that the deal won’t happen. New Street Research policy analyst Blair Levin said there aren’t any big antitrust issues. It would be different if a social media competitor, such as Meta, were trying to buy Twitter.