Federal Communications Commission

Chairman Pai’s Response to Sens Markey and Sullivan Regarding the FCC’s E-Rate Program

On March 7, Sens Ed Markey (D-MA) and Dan Sullivan (R-AK) wrote to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai to express concern about the transition by the Universal Service Administrative Co. (USAC) to a new vendor for reviewing E-Rate applications. On March 28, Chairman Pai responded by saying "USAC recently migrated to a new Business Process Outsourcing vendor to perform certain administrative functions for the E-Rate program.

Chairman Pai’s Response to Sens Markey, Wyden, and Blumenthal Regarding Practices of Wireless Internet Service Providers

On Feb 6, Sens Ed Markey (D-MA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) sent a letter to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai requesting the FCC "investigate allegations that the four major U.S.

The Organization of Economists in Regulatory Agencies: Does Structure Matter?

The paper builds on a working group report that led to the creation of the Office of Economics and Analytics (OEA), which was formally established in Dec 2018. The Working Paper concludes that organizational consolidation of economists into a single unit, much like the arrangement of the new OEA, can provide more independent and higher quality economic analysis within regulatory agencies.

FCC Meeting Agenda for April 2019 Open Meeting

The Federal Communications Commission will hold an Open Meeting on the subjects listed below on Friday, April 12, 2019:

FCC Seeks Comment on TracFone Petition to Expand ETC Designation to Tribal Lands

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau seeks comment on an amended petition filed by TracFone Wireless. TracFone seeks to expand its designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier to certain Tribal lands in Alabama, Connecticut, New York, North Carolina, and Virginia.

WC Docket No. 09-197

Comment Date: April 22, 2019 | Reply Comment Date: April 29, 2019

FCC Commissioner O'Rielly at Wireless Connect 2019

The one principle that anyone engaged in wireless issues knows is that we cannot take time for granted.

Chairman Pai Testimony Before House Appropriations Subcommittee

Here are the Federal Communications Commission's priorities for the next year: