Rural Gigabit Certification is Next Chapter for Rural Smart Community Program

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The National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCA-The Rural broadband association) previewed the latest chapter of their Smart Rural Community program. The initiative intends to add a Gigabit community certification program to this rural broadband program, which aims to foster economic and community development activity tied to the rural broadband networks built and maintained by NTCA members. NTCA CEO Shirley Bloomfield announced the new Gigabit focus of the program during her association report, citing the growing awareness and importance of Gigabit.

"It will represent the third leg of our Smart Rural Community initiative, which also includes a successful awards program (that has awarded more than two dozen companies across the country) and a collaboration challenge that awarded $25,000 in grants to three companies,” said Laura Withers, NTCA Director of Communications. Details about the Gigabit certification program will be announced in the coming months. “The certification program will recognize companies that have built networks capable of supporting a Gig through a self-certification process,” said Withers. “Upon certification, companies will receive tools to help them publicize their status with legislators and community members.”

Rural Gigabit Certification is Next Chapter for Rural Smart Community Program