Is Your City Allowed to Close the Digital Divide During the Pandemic?

As the pandemic drags on, local governments across the country are looking for ways to connect their residents, who need better Internet access for everything from online education to annual taxes to telehealth appointments. But 19 states still place restrictions on cities and counties that want to invest in broadband expansion, hamstringing their ability to address urgent connectivity needs. To help people figure out if their community is able to take action, the Institute for Local Self-Reliance worked with the Local Solutions Support Center (LSSC) to develop a step-by-step guide for local officials and advocates. The guide includes the various considerations communities must make when developing a Covid-19 broadband response, including the extent of local government authority, state legal restrictions, and declaration of emergency powers.

Is Your City Allowed to Close the Digital Divide During the Pandemic? View the Guide (LSSC)