White House escalates war against Facebook, Google and Twitter with a campaign asking users to share stories of censorship

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The White House announced an unprecedented campaign asking Internet users to share if they had been censored on Facebook, Google and Twitter, tapping into President Trump’s long-running claim that tech giants are biased against conservatives. The effort, which the White House said on Twitter was directed at users “no matter your views,” seeks to collect names, contact information and other details from Americans. The survey asks whether they have encountered problems on Facebook, Instagram, Google-owned YouTube, Twitter or other social media sites — companies the president frequently takes aim at for alleged political censorship. The survey claims that “too many Americans have seen their accounts suspended, banned, or fraudulently reported for unclear ‘violations’ of user policies.” The White House also asked users for permission to send new email newsletters about “President Trump’s fight for free speech," so that the administration “can update you without relying on platforms like Facebook and Twitter.”

White House escalates war against Facebook, Google and Twitter with a campaign asking users to share stories of censorship Tech Bias Story Sharing Tool (White House)