Virginia Broadband Project Rescopes

The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has formally received two project rescope requests from the following Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) awardees to rescope their current VATI project area to include passings outside of their original project area:

  1. Floyd County - Some of the passings that were originally included in their 2023 VATI project have been determined to be unserviceable due to unlocatable landowners or abandoned homes. This rescope proposes to add additional passings to the project to reassign the unspent grant funding to reach unserved homes in the county not previously included in broadband expansion project.
  2. Rockbridge County – A federal award was announced in the area of this 2024 VATI awarded project, and was required to remove passings from the original award area. The county is proposing a rescope of the award area to include other passings outside of the original award area to fully utilize the funding awarded.

This notification starts their required 30-day challenge period.

VATI Project Rescopes