Senator Markey Reintroduces Legislation to Promote Network Resiliency, Energy Efficiency in Communications Networks

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Sen Edward Markey (D-MA) today reintroduced the Generating Resilient and Energy Efficient Network (GREEN) Communications Act to sustainably defend communications networks against climate change and extreme weather disasters. The GREEN Communications Act would specifically:

  • Authorize $5 billion for a new program at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to provide grants and revolving loans for projects designed to strengthen the resiliency of communications networks and increase the energy efficiency of communications infrastructure
  • Prioritize funding for low-income, rural, and minority communities, and for projects that demonstrate the greatest overall reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, benefit the most vulnerable areas, or utilize green solutions to increase resiliency
  • Require recipients of energy efficiency funding to annually report on the electrical consumption—by energy source—of the communications infrastructure that is the subject of their project, as well as develop a comprehensive plan for achieving net-zero carbon emissions from their overall communications infrastructure
  • Require recipients of resiliency funding to participate in the Federal Communications Commission
  • ’s Disaster Information Reporting System, submit new reports on the number and impact of network outages, and develop a comprehensive resiliency plan for protecting their overall communications infrastructure from severe weather, natural disasters, and climate change
  • Direct the FCC to issue rules and establish a regulatory resiliency framework designed to minimize the number, duration, and impact of future communications network outages, as well as help plan for long-term disruptions to communications networks and support the communications needs of first responders
  • Require a variety of studies and reports from relevant federal agencies.

Senator Markey Reintroduces Legislation to Promote Network Resiliency, Energy Efficiency in Communications Networks