New Hampshire’s Massive Broadband Expansion More than Halfway Completed
New Hampshire's $90 million broadband expansion plan to provide access to 48,000 unserved and underserved addresses across 115 municipalities has surpassed the halfway mark, according to the Department of Business and Economic Affairs (BEA). As one of the first states to receive approval for its broadband expansion program as part of the American Rescue Plan Act’s Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund, New Hampshire awarded a total of $90 million in two rounds of funding, to connect a total of 48,016 homes and businesses by the end of 2026. BEA contracted with the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative to connect 23,259 addresses for $50 million, and Consolidated Communications to connect 24,757 addresses for $40 million. The deadline for completion is Dec. 31, 2026.
New Hampshire’s Massive Broadband Expansion More than Halfway Completed