Mobile Becoming Dominant Search Channel

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Mobile devices will account for 50% of Google paid-search clicks by December 2015, according to Marin Software.

Marin predicts that mobile will become the primary channel for search as investment in these devices increases, surpassing 42% in 2014. Marin found the conversion rate of search ads on mobile devices rose in the US during 2013, indicating that consumers are more comfortable with mobile commerce. The conversion rates of smartphones and tablets rose 57% and 67%, respectively.

In 2013, tablet conversion rates at 5.5% edged out desktop conversion rates at 5.3% for the first time. In 2013, the share of paid-search clicks from mobile devices increased from 21.8% to 34.2% of all paid-search clicks. The percentage that marketers spent on mobile campaigns saw a similar increases, with mobile spend share rising 45% from 19.3% to 27.9% in 2013.

Mobile Becoming Dominant Search Channel