How Ajit Pai tore up the rulebook for the information age

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Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai has rewritten the rules of the information age so thoroughly that there's no mode of communication under his control where the rules aren't looser than they were a year ago. Here's a look at what he's done.

While some of his deregulation has been bipartisan, his big-ticket proposals have divided the agency and the nation. He's actively courted fans of President Donald Trump's populist rhetoric and inspired scorn on the left. Many top Republican priorities have been mired in Washington gridlock since Trump took office. Not so at the FCC. Chairman Pai swiftly orchestrated the wholesale deregulation of the networks Americans use every day, which will likely alter the way people experience the internet, broadcast TV and even AM radio. Those changes will play out over years — not immediately.

How Ajit Pai tore up the rulebook for the information age