FCC Proposes to Issue List of Price Cap Wire Centers With Nearby Fiber

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau proposes to publicly release the list of Common Language Location Identification (CLLI) codes for price cap incumbent local exchange carrier (LEC) wire centers that have alternative fiber within a half-mile (nearby alternative fiber). This list of CLLI codes is based on an analysis of highly confidential information submitted in response to the FCC’s 2015 special access data collection (2015 Collection) which has been incorporated into the record of this proceeding. Affected parties will have ten (10) business days from the date of release of this Notice to file objections. The identification of wire centers with nearby alternative fiber will reveal anonymized information about the proximity of fiber networks derived from competitive fiber maps and other information that has been designated as highly confidential. Therefore, consistent with FCC rules, the relevant protective order issued in this proceeding, the Trade Secrets Act, and FCC precedent, the Bureau commences a process that would allow it to publicly release a list of price cap incumbent LEC wire centers with nearby fiber, as directed by the Commission in the UNE Transport Forbearance Order.

WCB Proposes to Issue List of Price Cap Wire Centers With Nearby Fiber