FCC Chairman Ajit Pai At The American Enterprise Institute: The First 100 Days: Bringing The Benefits Of The Digital Age To All Americans

In my first 100 days, the Federal Communications Commission adopted 49 items. To put that number in perspective, during the prior two permanent Chairmen’s first 100 days, the Commission adopted 25 and 34 items...I thought it would be helpful this morning to highlight some of the actions we’ve taken and explain how they fit into a broader strategic vision. That vision includes five important goals: closing the digital divide, modernizing our rules, promoting innovation, protecting consumers and public safety, and improving the agency’s operations.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai At The American Enterprise Institute: The First 100 Days: Bringing The Benefits Of The Digital Age To All Americans First 100 Days (FCC Bullet List) Pai: FCC Will Encourage Innovations Like Free Data Plans (B&C) FCC chief touts reg rollback in 100 days speech (The Hill)