Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Statewide Broadband Plan

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Statewide Broadband Plan focuses on four challenge areas and opportunities for universal broadband access in the state: broadband service infrastructure and availability; digital equity and affordability; device and technology access; and digital literacy and technical support. The state's broadband plan prioritizes these objectives:

  • To foster economic growth and innovation, accessing high-speed broadband is imperative for businesses looking to remain regionally and globally competitive.
  • To provide the critical infrastructure for the future, reliable broadband built is the foundation for delivering highspeed broadband, smart grid modernization, public safety, mobile wireless, and services such as 5G.
  • To grow workforce development and educational achievement opportunities, high-speed broadband is integral to students, teachers, and employees. 
  • To provide adequate, reliable emergency services, first responders require high-speed connectivity to ensure effective communication with patients and hospitals.
  • To enhance community health, well-being, access to health care services, and quality of life, communities increasingly look toward telemedicine to address their medical needs.

Read the full broadband plan here.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Statewide Broadband Plan