Bulk Internet Services Take Hold in Multifamily Broadband

Coverage Type 

Multifamily property owners want to make broadband an amenity available to residents as part of their rental agreements. They’re working hard to enter into bulk service agreements with service providers. Commonplace for cable television, these deals are between a homeowners association or condominium association and a company to deliver internet services to everyone who is a community member. Bulk internet services provide several benefits for multifamily owners/operators and residents:

  • Lower Costs: Bulk broadband services are provided to residents at a lower price than they would be if customers purchased them from a provider on a retail basis. Though savings vary, bulk internet costs up to 50 percent less than a homeowner would pay for the same services individually.
  • Association Budgets Revenue: A provider usually recompenses an owner a one-time payment based on an agreed amount per unit. The property owner can use those funds to upgrade the property.
  • Service Quality: With a bulk service model, every resident gets guaranteed service performance.
  • Dedicated Customer Service: A bulk broadband provider can provide a “white glove” customer service experience.
  • Consistent Pricing, Service: Every resident served by a bulk internet agreement gets the same service and price. Moreover, the monthly rate is locked in for several years.

Service providers are taking charge of this opportunity as broadband becomes the critical amenity residents desire when they look at a property.

Bulk Internet Services Take Hold in Multifamily Broadband