American Cable Association: Title II Is Costly, Harmful, & Unnecessary

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The American Cable Association has taken what it hopes will be a parting shot at Title II classification for its members. In its comments to the Federal Communications Commission, ACA told the FCC that Title II reclassification had been costly; harmful, particularly to its members, and unnecessary. Costly and harmful, it said, because of the "concrete economic harms" it has already inflicted as witness five member company declarations; unnecessary because 1) the industry is uniformly supportive of an open internet because its smaller ISP members lack the ability to be the "gatekeepers" the FCC branded ISPs in defending reclassification; because 2) the commission has authority under Sec. 706 to adopt net neutrality rules and transparency requirements without Title II; and 3) even if the FCC concludes it does not, Congress is the best place to resolve that.

American Cable Association: Title II Is Costly, Harmful, & Unnecessary