Government & Communications

Attempts by governmental bodies to improve or impede communications with or between the citizenry.

If we want better broadband, more research needs to come first

[Commentary] Maps that accurately illustrate broadband coverage are needed to help direct both public and private sector efforts to areas without sufficient access.

How Americans have viewed government surveillance and privacy since Snowden leaks

In June 2013, news organizations broke stories about federal government surveillance of phone calls and electronic communications of US and foreign citizens, based on classified documents leaked by then-National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. Here are some key findings about Americans’ views of government information-gathering and surveillance, drawn from Pew Research Center surveys since the NSA revelations:

President Trump nominating conservative filmmaker Michael Pack to lead Broadcasting Board of Governors

President Donald Trump has tapped Michael Pack, the former head of conservative think tank Claremont Institute, to run the Broadcasting Board of Governors. The BBG oversees Voice of America, Middle East Broadcasting Networks and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.


Broadcasting Board of Governors

Wed, 06/06/2018 - 17:30 to 18:30

The BBG will receive a report from the CEO and Director John F. Lansing on the networks’ new programming initiatives, and the agency’s technological innovation, as well as an agency-wide fellowship program sponsored by former BBG chairman Marc Nathanson.

Seating capacity is limited. The meeting will be streamed live here.

Trump’s mind-control superpowers

In our lifetime, no president has matched Donald Trump’s ability to summon the power of the pulpit, friendly media, and the tweet-by-tweet power of repetition and persuasion to move minds en masse. You see this in the silence of Republican critics; the instant shifts in GOP views of the FBI, Putin and deficits; and the quick, widespread adoption of his branding efforts around “deep state,” “Spygate” and “no collusion.” We hear so much, so often that we become numb to what Trump is doing.

President Trump breaks protocol with tweet, sends markets a clear signal on jobs report before numbers are released

President Donald Trump broke with decades of protocol and commented publicly about the highly anticipated jobs report data 69 minutes before they were released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Treasury yields moved sharply higher within seconds of a tweet from President Trump that said he was “looking forward to seeing the employment numbers at 8:30 this morning.” He had never issued such a tweet before. A federal rule from 1985 prohibits any federal worker from commenting on the jobs report for at least one hour after its release, though the Trump administration has breached that standar

How Michael Cohen Protects Trump By Making Legal Threats Against Journalists

President Donald Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen is facing legal peril, including an FBI raid of his home and office — and involvement in a civil lawsuit with porn star Stormy Daniels. But in the past, it was Cohen who has sought to put legal pressure on others to solve problems for his boss. For the first time, audio recordings of Cohen's legal threats, from a 2015 Daily Beast interview, are being published.

House Majority Leader McCarthy blasts Google over 'Nazism' association

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) went after Google for displaying “Nazism” as one of the ideologies of the California Republican Party. A search on the site for “California Republican Party” apparently returned with a sidebar result listing Nazism as an ideology alongside “conservativism” and “market liberalism.” Majority Leader McCarthy noted the sidebar in a tweet at the company.

Senators demand Bolton reconsider eliminating top cyber post

A group of 19 Democratic Sens wrote to national security adviser John Bolton urging him to reconsider the move to elminate a top cybersecurity position at the White House, calling it a “step in the wrong direction” and worrying that it would “lead to a lack of unified focus against cyber threats.” The role of White House cybersecurity coordinator was established under the Obama administration to coordinate cybersecurity policymaking efforts across the federal government.

President Trump again asks for apology from Disney chief after ‘Roseanne’ cancellation

President Donald Trump is continuing to react to the controversy over the cancellation of “Roseanne,” which was taken off the air May 29 after lead actress Roseanne Barr posted offensive and racist tweets. President Trump on May 31 repeated his complaint that Disney chief Bob Iger has not apologized to him for anti-Trump comments made by ABC personalities, something he believes is a double standard since Iger got in touch with Valerie Jarrett, the former top aide to President Barack Obama who was the target of Barr’s racist comments.