Community Anchor Institutions

Institutions that are rooted in their local communities by mission, invested capital, or relationships to customers, employees, and vendors.

Broadband Expansion an “All Hands On Deck” Moment, Says ALA’s Larra Clark

Library Wi-Fi hotspot lending programs (via the Federal Communications Commission’s E-rate program) are a complement to broadband providers and permanent connections at home—not a replacement for those connections, said Larra Clark, Deputy Director of the American Library Association’s (ALA) Public Policy and Advocacy Office and Deputy Director of the Public Library Association.

The Constitution and Your Cellphone Bill

How much power may Congress hand off to the Washington bureaucracy? That’s a live question, so grab the popcorn to read a decision by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. In a 9-7 en banc ruling, it invalidated a “universal service” surcharge added to cellphone bills.

It’s time to prepare your Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program applications!

On July 24, 2024, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration published the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Competitive Grant Program. The Competitive Grant Program is the third (and final) set of funds available from the

An Open Letter to Congress on the Future of Universal Connectivity

An appeals court ruled the current structure of the Universal Service Fund is unconstitutional. This decision puts at risk the high-speed connectivity of millions of rural and low-income Americans and the future trajectory of U.S. economic growth and global competitiveness. Now it’s Congress’s duty to promptly and decisively make clear the nation’s unwavering commitment to affordable, universal connectivity. The court’s fundamentally flawed decision hands Congress an enormously important opportunity to seize the initiative and ensure our nation’s abiding commitment to universal service.

FCC Seeks Comment On Proposed Eligible Services List for the E-Rate Program

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) seeks comment on the proposed eligible services list (ESL) for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism (more commonly known as the E-Rate program) for funding year (FY) 2025.

Enough Talk About Pole Attachments—It’s Time for Action!

Republican or Democrat, one rare issue that can unite every American is the need to provide affordable internet connections to everyone. In today’s digital world, access to broadband internet means access to jobs, education, health care, and social opportunities.

New court ruling puts Universal Service Fund in hot water

In a ruling that quickly caused shock waves in the U.S. telecommunications industry, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled, 9-7, that the Universal Service Fund (USF) is unconstitutional as currently administered. The Court explained its ruling by saying that the USF is a “misbegotten tax” that violates Article I, § 1 of the Constitution, which states that all legislative powers are given to Congress, which is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Maryland leaders work to expand Wi-Fi in West Baltimore

Sen Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Baltimore City Mayor Brandon Scott (D-MD), and Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel spoke about plans to expand internet connectivity in Baltimore. The Enoch Pratt Free Library currently has about 2,000 hotspots in circulation. According to Meghan McCorkell, Enoch Pratt Free Library’s chief of marketing, communications and strategy, about 969 people are waiting for a hotspot.

Responses to Universal Service Fund Decision

After the Fifth Circuit ruled, 9-7, that the Universal Service Fund is unconstitutional as currently administered, we've seen the following responses.

What’s Next for Digital Equity? Preparing for the Competitive Grant Program

As required by the Digital Equity Act, the $1.25 billion Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program will be established soon, making hundreds of millions of dollars available in the first Notice of Funding Opportunity to implement digital inclusion projects. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act mandates that funding be directed towards programs designed to empower those impacted by the digital divide, known as Covered Populations.