
What's on the agenda for policymakers.


Schools Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition

Wed, 07/20/2022 - 14:00

Blink – or Bluffs Community Wi-Fi – is a wireless network established by the Council Bluffs Community School District (CBCSD) and City of Council Bluffs in Iowa that is currently providing free home internet service to nearly 85 percent of the district’s 8,500 students. Launched in 2014, the network was initiated to support the school’s 1:1 learning initiative, but later played a vital role in enabling all CBCSD students to shift seamlessly to at-home learning when the pandemic hit.


House Commerce Committee

Wed, 07/13/2022 - 11:00

Memorandum from Chairman Pallone to the Full Committee 

Bills to be considered include:


FCC Chair Rosenworcel Highlights Recent Efforts to Increase Competition

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel reaffirmed the FCC’s commitment to increasing competition within the communications sector following the one-year anniversary of President Biden’s Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy. “Our economy thrives on competition," said Rosenworcel. "Over history, it has inspired innovation, increased choice, and improved our resourcefulness and efficiency. That’s why over the last 18 months, the FCC has helped reinvigorate competition in the communications sector.



Tue, 08/09/2022 - 11:00 to Thu, 08/11/2022 - 16:15

This free virtual event seeks to explore the digital divide, why it exists and what communities can do to bridge the connectivity gap. Although advancements have been made and federal funding announced, many people in rural and urban communities are still finding themselves at a disadvantage, such as not having access to a “quality” 25Mbps download/3Mbps upload speed.

August 9

11:00AM-12:15PM ET:



National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Wed, 09/28/2022 - 14:30

Local and Tribal coordination and stakeholder engagement is critical to the success of the Internet For All programs. This webinar will provide an in-depth look into what successful local coordination and outreach activities look like to engage local governments, community groups, union and worker organizations, Tribal Governments, and underrepresented populations.


National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Wed, 09/14/2022 - 14:30

This webinar provides an opportunity to hear more about the frequently asked questions (FAQs) for the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program and to ask the project team questions ahead of the application deadline. This webinar will provide applicants with technical assistance and prepare them to write high-quality applications


National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Wed, 08/10/2022 - 14:30

This webinar will provide an in-depth look at the budget narrative and detailed budget justification that must be provided in Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program applications. This webinar will provide applicants with technical assistance and prepare them to write high-quality applications.

With $1 billion in funding, the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program provides funding for this vital part of our nation's high-speed network and will reduce the cost of bringing high-speed internet to unserved and underserved communities.


National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Wed, 07/27/2022 - 04:30

This webinar will cover three critical aspects of analyzing potential environmental impacts and accounting for weather- and climate-related risks for the Internet For All programs: the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and climate resilience.


National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Wed, 07/13/2022 - 14:30

This webinar will provide an in-depth look at all the parameters that proposed projects must meet under the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program. This webinar will provide applicants with technical assistance and prepare them to write high-quality applications.

With $1 billion in funding, the Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program provides funding for this vital part of our nation's high-speed network and will reduce the cost of bringing high-speed internet to unserved and underserved communities.

High Court Blunders & Blinders

It’s time to look anew at individual rights and to broaden our discussion of them to include where we have sometimes gone wrong in safeguarding those rights. This demands more than just questioning court nominees about stare decisis, important as that may be. This is a discussion for we, the people to be involved in. As we ponder the inroads the current high court is making into areas where it really has little writ to intervene, let’s wake up to the fact that its actions are tossing real Constitutionalism out the door, on both policy and process. I say this not to disparage.