Schools Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition

SHLB and NDIA Call for Senate Confirmation of FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn

We strongly urge you to take concerted action to promote the nomination of Gigi Sohn [Senior Fellow and Public Advocate at the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society] to be a Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission. Sohn has been a long-time advocate for internet freedom, consumer protection, and digital inclusivity. The FCC cannot move forward on several significant public interest issues until Ms. Sohn is confirmed by the full US Senate.

FCC’s Competitive Bidding Proposal Won’t Help Schools/Libraries, SHLB Says

In comments filed with the Federal Communications Commission, the Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition encouraged the FCC not to move forward with its proposed changes to the competitive bidding process for the E-rate program.

SHLB Announces Broadband Policy Priorities for 2022

The Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition published its 2022 Policy Roadmap, outlining the 10 policy priorities that shape its advocacy in 2022. In brief, the SHLB Coalition will focus on the following policy priorities in 2022: 

254 Organizations Call For USF Contributions Reform

254 organizations are calling on broadband policymakers to repair the Universal Service Fund (USF) contribution mechanism. The USF is one of our nation’s most important tools for addressing the digital divide, but its outdated funding mechanism puts the program in danger of collapse and inequitably burdens the consumers who most often end up contributing.