New York Times

As Conservatives Gather, Anger at the News Media Runs Deep

The Conservative Political Action Conference is usually a moment to hammer out what divides the fractious conservative movement.

Op-ed: How to Monitor Fake News

[Commentary] The Mueller investigation of Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election is shining a welcome light on the Kremlin’s covert activity, but there is no similar effort to shine a light on the social media algorithms that helped the Russians spread their messages. There needs to be. This effort should begin by “opening up” the results of the algorithms.  The government should require social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to use a similar open application programming interface.

Trump’s ‘Best People’ and Their Dubious Ethics

[Commentary] President Donald Trump’s White House has been so scandal-plagued that controversies involving cabinet members and other high-level officials that would have been front-page news in any other administration have barely registered in the public consciousness.