National Digital Inclusion Alliance

NDIA Announces Grading Internet for Good

To help millions of households navigate and evaluate low-cost internet plans, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) created a new rating system to evaluate a plan’s affordability and quality. NDIA GIG (Grading Internet for Good) reflects lessons from the Affordable Connectivity Program that contributed to the program’s success and evaluates plans on cost, transparency, speed, performance, and eligibility criteria. We’ve also updated our Honor Roll of Low

Native Entities Capacity Grant Program

This is the third in a three-part series about the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program announcement from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

Updated Digital Navigator Definition and New Standards

In 2020, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) convened a group of digital inclusion practitioners to establish a definition for the term “digital navigator.” The term described a model for digital inclusion built upon years of similar work, tailored for the new realities of the time.

First State Digital Equity Capacity Grant is Awarded and the Competitive Grant Program will Launch Any Day

Well, folks, the day we’ve been waiting for is finally here—the Digital Equity Act funds are finally making their way to communities around the country to support digital inclusion work on the ground.

Michigan’s Broadband Office Prioritizing Digital Equity Sustainability through a Proposed Digital Inclusion Fund

Michigan is once again leading the country with its innovation. This time, however, the innovation isn’t new technology—but a funding strategy that would catalyze new technologies, and ensure access to jobs, healthcare, education, and government services are available and accessible in perpetuity.

Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program: What We Know and What’s to Come

The release of the State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on March 29th triggered the countdown for the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) mandates releasing the Competitive Grant NOFO within 30 days of the first Capacity award, so we expect it by late summer/early fall 2024. We will not know all the specifics until the NOFO is released.

NDIA Continues to Fight for Rigorous Digital Discrimination Rules

The National Digital Inclusion Alliance has warned policymakers about digital redlining, a discriminatory practice that prevents certain populations from having internet access, since 2017. Thanks in part to these warnings and advocacy efforts, the creation of digital discrimination rules was mandated in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

NDIA Publishes Digital Inclusion Coalitions Webpage

Digital Inclusion Coalitions have long been critical to creating robust and sustainable digital equity ecosystems. They collaborate to pool together resources and capacity to make things happen that one individual or organization alone could not do. Coalitions exemplify the spirit of our digital inclusion community because they represent the unique values and perspectives of the residents of their hometowns, regions, and states. But the efforts and outputs of Digital Inclusion Coalitions may not be known outside of their direct impact locally, let alone outside of the digital equity space.

The Affordable Connectivity Program is Popular because it Works

Time’s almost up for Congress to extend funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Without the funding, 23+ million households risk losing internet access. This federally funded program has made a huge difference in people’s lives, but its future remains uncertain. As many of you prepare for what’s next, we’re making one last push to remind Congress of what’s at stake.