Federal Communications Commission

Statement of Commissioner Mignon Clyburn: FCC Majority's Assault on Pro-Consumer Policies Continues

Nov 16, the Federal Communications Commission majority will continue down its destructive path of adopting a series of actions that fail to put consumers first. They will make it more difficult for low-income Americans to access affordable communications services; they will adopt a so-called ‘voluntary’ television standard that has even more outstanding and unanswered questions than the February Notice of Proposed Rulemaking; they will shred consumer and competition protections in times of technology transitions; and they will open the door to massive media consolidation at the expense of l

FCC Announces The Appointment Of Matthew Duchesne As Chief Of The Office Of Native Affairs And Policy

The Federal Communications Commission announced the appointment of Matthew Duchesne to serve as the chief of the FCC’s Office of Native Affairs and Policy (ONAP). Duchesne is joining the FCC from the US Bureau of Reclamation where he served as program manager for Native American and International Affairs. While there, he led the agency’s work related to Tribal consultation and negotiation of settlements associated with Tribal water rights claims in the western United States.

FCC Commissioner Carr Added to Joint Boards

The Federal Communications Commission appoints Commissioner Brendan Carr to serve on the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service and the Federal-State Joint Board on Jurisdictional Separations

Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee: Streamlining Federal Siting

Through its deliberations, the Streamlining Federal Siting Working Group Working Group found that the fundamental concerns regarding the streamlining of federal siting are 1) predictability and complexity of the application process and accompanying requirements and 2) the application review time. The Working Group offers ten recommentations:

1. Challenge: Varying and unpredictable fees and rates.

Solution: Standardize and publish fee schedules and utilize revenue in a way that promotes expediting federal siting processes.

Keynote Address of Chairman Pai at the Reason Media Awards

So what does it mean for a government agency to be on the side of innovation? Having served on the FCC since 2012, I’ve certainly had time to think about that question. And I’ve come to the conclusion that the most effective strategy for seizing the opportunities of the digital age is promoting the power of free markets. Instead of viewing innovation as a problem to be regulated based on rules from the past, government should see innovation’s potential, guided by markets that embrace the future.