Hearing On The Universal Service Reform Act Of 2009

House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 At 09:30 AM
2123 Rayburn House Office Building


  • The Honorable Ray Baum, Chairman, NARUC Committee on Communications, State Chair, Federal State Joint Board on Universal Service, Commissioner, Oregon Public Utility Commission
  • Peter B. Davidson, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, Policy, and Communications, Verizon
  • Eric B. Graham, Vice President of Government Relations, Cellular South, Inc.
  • Leslie Greer, Chief Executive Officer, DTC Communications
  • Joel Lubin, Vice President of Public Policy, AT&T Services, Inc.
  • Kyle E. McSlarrow, President and CEO, National Cable & Telecommunications Association
  • Catherine Moyer, Director Legal and Regulatory Affairs, Pioneer Communications
  • Karen S. Rheuban, M.D., Senior Associate Dean for CME and External Affairs Medical Director, Office of Telemedicine, University of Virginia
  • Michael Rhoda, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs, Windstream Communications, Inc.
  • Gregory Rosston, Deputy Director, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research