Coding for a More Open Cuba

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Internet access in Cuba is among the world’s most restricted and expensive, but a rapprochement with Washington is boosting hopes for connectivity improvements and the development of some cool apps. That’s what technology experts will be aiming for when they convene at Facebook’s Menlo Park (CA), headquarters later in April to focus on solutions for the Communist island nation. The so-called Code for Cuba “hackathon,” organized by Miami-based nonprofit group Roots of Hope, aims to attract US engineers, software developers and entrepreneurs to work on increasing access to information as the Caribbean country begins flirting with freer telecommunications.

“Our goal is to empower Cuban people as the conversation on technology there is more open now,” said Natalia Martínez, chief innovation officer at Roots of Hope, which opened registration for the hackathon in late March. The idea is to create programs that can be applied in Cuba immediately, Martínez said. The tricky part, however, is a requirement to stay within the confines of Cuban law, which forbids satellite connection and restricts private imports of goods like wireless routers, she said.

Coding for a More Open Cuba