Backhaul industry fears AT&T merger

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Opponents of the merger between AT&T and T-Mobile say the deal would decrease competition in the wireless industry. But that's not the only sector that stands to lose its competitive nature as a result of the deal, some critics say.

Officials in the alternative wireless backhaul industry are concerned about the deal. Their industry includes such companies as Zayo, TTM and FiberTower, which compete with Verizon and AT&T to provide infrastructure to wireless companies that is crucial for connecting a call from one phone to another. Officials in this industry fear that key challenges for their business model could be exacerbated by the merger, potentially sinking some companies and leaving AT&T and Verizon to dominate the backhaul market. Alternative backhaul companies have yet to speak publicly against the deal, but officials are quietly discussing concerns that their industry may be hurt if the combination is approved. Cable industry officials voiced similar concerns for companies in their sector who sell wireless backhaul.

Backhaul industry fears AT&T merger