Zuckerberg Goes on Charm Offensive for Internet.org

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The Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg outlined why he thought Internet.org, a service backed by his company that is intended to provide people in emerging markets with free access to some online applications, would help telecommunications carriers persuade customers to spend more on streaming content to their cellphones. The service, which is now offered in countries including Paraguay and Zambia, allows individuals to access Facebook and a limited number of other applications free.

Carriers hope that this access -- often the first time that people have surfed the web -- will lead them to spend money on separate data packages. Industry executives say that these Internet services, which are used by billions of individuals each day, do not invest in the costly infrastructure required so that people can access applications on their smartphones. Some also say that the likes of Facebook, which now holds a strong position in Internet messaging after buying WhatsApp last year for $19 billion, do not face the same tough regulations as traditional operators.

Zuckerberg Goes on Charm Offensive for Internet.org Zuckerberg Moves to Mend Fences With Telecommunications Industry (Wall Street Journal)