Utah Broadband Outreach Center Launches Locate.utah.gov

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Utah’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) and the Economic Development Corporation of Utah (EDCUtah) launched a premier interactive economic development map, now available online at locate.utah.gov, the first site of its kind which allows users to explore the state’s broadband availability, utility information, transportation, work force and lifestyle features.

It also allows developers to evaluate potential locations and print customized reports with detailed summaries of available infrastructure. The new site will be a companion site to EDCUtah’s utahsuresites.com website, which allows companies to explore the state’s extensive inventory of listed commercial real estate. Locate.utah.gov was developed by the Utah Broadband Outreach Center in GOED. The Center works with more than 50 broadband providers who can supply premium services for all types of businesses in both urban and rural areas. The center also hosts an interactive residential broadband map that allows users to find services at home.

Utah Broadband Outreach Center Launches Locate.utah.gov