Rep Ro Khanna (D-CA) talks tech regulation

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A Q&A with Rep Ro Khanna (D-CA), who represents the CA district that houses the Apple and Google campuses and who has put forth a set of principles called the "Internet Bill of Rights".

When asked, "What should people expect from tech policy, from privacy, from net neutrality legislation? How should people expect the new Congress to handle these issues?" Rep Khanna said, "Well, they should expect action. There was no action taken in the last Congress after massive breaches of people’s data, whether that was Equifax or Facebook or, more recently, Google. People want to have some assurance that their privacy, their data is going to be protected. This stuff isn’t rocket science. We know what we need. We need a basic protection for people having access to their data and knowing where their data is. They should be notified if there is a breach. They should be able to move their data. I expect that [the House of Representatives’ Commerce Committee] will take this up, and we should get something passed within six months, at least, through that committee. Rep Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) already has a bill that has some of these principles in it. And I think if we can’t deliver, we should consider changing the leadership of that committee. But the committee needs to deliver."

Rep Ro Khanna (D-CA) talks tech regulation