Reality Check Reveals Ed-Tech Challenges

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[Commentary] Lofty ed-tech visions are always tempered by reality. You see this reality check playing out in schools nationwide as they launch 1-to-1 computing programs and expand their use of digital curricula.

The unexpected problems that arose in Los Angeles (CA) as the country's second-largest school district rolled out an ambitious 1-to-1 and digital curriculum initiative are now legendary in the ed-tech world. The costly mistakes and poor planning ultimately led the district to dial back the effort. Financial, legal, and managerial repercussions continue to swirl in the wake. That is a cautionary tale for all districts. But it is one that should not prevent schools from innovating or striving to put in place thoughtful, well-planned, and cost-effective 1-to-1 and digital curricula initiatives. This 2015 edition of Education Week's Technology Counts looks at both the challenges and the opportunities such programs offer.

Reality Check Reveals Ed-Tech Challenges