President Trump promised a 'big press conference.' Here's what happened.

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President Donald Trump evidently doesn't know the definition of "press conference." Aug 11, after two days of unusual engagement with the White House press corps, President Trump promised to hold a "pretty big press conference" at the White House on Aug 14. But the White House didn't set up any press conference. Instead, he gave a hastily-arranged speech without answering any questions. When he came before cameras a second time Aug 14, and CNN's Jim Acosta, who was in the room serving as pool reporter, asked about the lack of a presser, President Trump said, "We had a press conference. We just had a press conference." President Trump's declaration that "we had a press conference" seemed to confirm what some White House correspondents already surmised -- that Trump is counting any appearance in front of the press corps as a press conference.

President Trump promised a 'big press conference.' Here's what happened.