A New Tool Against Cyber Threats

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Starting April 1st, we’re giving notice to those who pose significant threats to our security or economy by damaging our critical infrastructure, disrupting or hijacking our computer networks, or stealing the trade secrets of American companies or the personal information of American citizens for profit. From now on, we have the power to freeze their assets, make it harder for them to do business with US companies, and limit their ability to profit from their misdeeds. While we’re focused on the supply side of this problem  --  those who engage in these acts  --  we’ll also go after the demand side  -- those who profit from them.

As of April 1, there’s a new deterrent because I’m also authorizing sanctions against companies that knowingly use stolen trade secrets to undermine our nation’s economic health. These sanctions are meant to protect our national security, personal privacy and civil liberties. As such, sanctions will in no way target the unwitting victims of cyberattacks, like people whose computers are hijacked by botnets. Nor does this executive order target the legitimate cybersecurity research community or professionals who help companies improve their cybersecurity. And unlike some other countries, we will never try to silence free expression online or curb Internet freedom. As Americans, our security, prosperity, and privacy in the 21st century will depend on our ability to learn, innovate, build, and do business online  --  and to do it safely, knowing that our sensitive or personal information will be protected. As of April 1, the United States has a new tool to protect our nation, our companies, and our citizens  --  and in the days and years ahead, we will use it.

A New Tool Against Cyber Threats Expanding Our Ability to Combat Cyber Threats (White House) Our Latest Tool to Combat Cyber Attacks: What You Need to Know (White House) Executive Order (White House) Letter to House Speaker John Boehner (White House) Statement by President (White House) Fact Sheet (White House) Obama declares cyberattacks a 'national emergency' (The Hill)