Making 5G a Reality Means Building Partnerships — Not Just Networks

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The close working relationship between Verizon and information technology officials in Sacramento (CA) could turn out to be a model for communities across the country as cities move forward with smart city projects and the high-capacity communications networks needed to support them. About two years ago, Verizon approached the city to launch a 5G, fiber-optic build-out, with Sacramento as Verizon’s first foray into launching 5G. One of the reasons Verizon chose the city as the launchpad for 5G was because of the already-established relationship and partnership, said Ingram. Wireless communication technologies like 5G — which open wide the gates in terms of data capacity and speed — will be a “gamechanger” in cities as they evolve to become places for autonomous vehicles and other innovations around artificial intelligence or predictive analytics, say industry insiders.

Making 5G a Reality Means Building Partnerships — Not Just Networks