FCC Renews Three TV Licenses

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[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
The FCC Friday warned or took no action against seven TV station's for violations of children's TV reporting rules and ad limits, taking the opportunity to renew three of the licenses. All the violations had been reported by the stations in their applications for license renewals. The FCC granted three of the renewals while saying the violations would not affect the prospects of the other four, which are still under consideration. Getting renewals were two Paxson stations, KPXC Denver and KPXM St. Cloud (MN), which were admonished--an official reprimand-- for failing to provide the age ranges of their kids shows to program guide publishers. Also getting renewed was ACME's WBXX Crossville (TN). It was also admonished for exceeding children's ad limits by over three minutes and for a program-length commercial. The culprit was a familiar one for WB stations--an ad in the Pokemon program for a Gameboy E-Reader that contained a fleeting image of a Pokemon card. Several other stations have already been cited, even fined, by the FCC for the same ad.
