FCC Makes Open Internet Comments More Accessible to Public

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As of August 4, over 1.1 million comments were filed in the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet docket. Every comment will be reviewed as part of the official record of this proceeding.

Because of the sheer number of comments and the great public interest in what they say, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has asked the FCC IT team to make the comments available to the public in a series of six XML files, totaling over 1.4 GB of data -- approximately two and half times the amount of plain-text data embodied in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

The release of the comments as Open Data in this machine-readable format will allow researchers, journalists and others to analyze and create visualizations of the data so that the public and the FCC can discuss and learn from the comments we’ve received.

FCC Makes Open Internet Comments More Accessible to Public FCC releases 1.1 million ‘fast lane’ comments (The Hill) FCC Releases XML Files of Net Neutrality Comments (B&C) FCC Gives Data Geeks New, Exciting Way to Show Public’s Hatred of Net Neutrality Plan (Revere Digital) The FCC invites you to read 1.4 GB of net neutrality comments (Washington Post) Public Knowledge Applauds FCC’s Release of Open Internet Docket Data (Public Knowledge)